How to Protect Your Furniture and Floors From Sun Damage

Summer will be here soon. While longer days are appreciated, what’s not always welcome is the damage caused by the sun’s rays — especially to floors and furniture.

How the Sun Damages Your Floors and Furniture

Long hours of daylight mean that high heat and UV rays will pass through your windows into the interior of your home. UV rays do the most damage, but there are other factors at play too. Humidity and exterior lighting can cause fading, which is often inconsistent due to the placement of items within the room.

While closing the curtains is one solution, it’s not a good long-term strategy to protect your possessions. Closing the curtains can make rooms feel small and dark.

The better solution is to attack the causes of furniture fade, so you can slow down the fading process and boost the lifespan of your furniture.

Window film is a convenient and cost-effective way to block the sun’s rays from your home without sacrificing light.

Why Choose Window Film to Stop Fading

Window film targets all of the major contributors of fading. Most types of professionally installed window films will block 99 percent of UV rays. Up to 60 percent of visible light can be blocked without darkening the tint of the window. By blocking light and solar heat without affecting the hue of your windows, you can prevent furniture fading while retaining the open, airy feel of your home.

Compared with other ways to stop furniture fading, window film is a simple, effective solution. You don’t need to seal your furniture annually or putter around moving knick-knacks on your shelf to distribute the UV rays and avoid blotches. You don’t need to replace furniture that’s faded or get slipcovers that camouflage badly faded pieces. You simply have the window film installed once and then use your home as you otherwise would, knowing the furniture is protected.

There are many styles of window film, so you are sure to find window films that match the atmosphere of your home or business. Contact us today if you would like more information on window films.